
 EurHope-TV. Only good news ;-)

by Neokinok (Daniel Miracle, with participation of Marie Jeanson and Marguerite Bobey)

This project is done thanks to the invitation to participate in EUR(h)OPE

The proposal is to build a temporary TV channel in Internet to produce contents about how do we feel about the some issues around the social and economical situation of Europe and abroad, communicated by the Media. The work can be divided in two different parts, one is to go to the street and record interviews, the other is to work in a studio where we can present the videos and make live interviews for the Internet TV channel.

pasolini-interview  comizi_intervista-davanti-fabbrica  comizi_amore_WEB

Images from Comizi d’amore, 1965, Pier Paolo Pasolini, documentary made with interviews. Another exemple would be Le joli mai by Chris Marker. Other references are: “Después de… No se os puede dejar solos – Atado y bien atado” Dirección: Cecilia M. Bartolomé, José Juan Bartolomé, 1981-1983. link in naranjas de Hiroshima and AGARRANDO PUEBLO, de Luís Ospina y Carlos Mayolo, 1977.

To develop this TV project we open a call for people interested in video, documentary, art, performance, etc… to participate in different audiovisual creations and collaborate. There are no fix schedules or already made scripts. One idea is to go to the streets and ask questions to the people in Geneve to build a little vox populi documentary. And also to participate in an experimental TV studio with DIY hardware and free software. All contents created will be creative commons.


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